Calitatea superioara a lemnului, formele nelimitate si posibilitatile de finisaj sunt proprietati care transforma tamplaria in decoratiuni ale casei. Noi va aducem tot ce-i mai bun din natura, lucram exclusiv cu materiale selectate, care confera eleganta caminului Dvs, atat in interior, cat si in exterior.
Folosirea esentelor de lemn nobil este o pata de culoare si in trendul actual. Daca si Dvs sunteti adeptul solutiilor exclusive, optati pentru variante speciale, tamplarii placate cu lemn nobil, care transforma spatiul Dvs in experiente naturale si sentimentale, respectand cerintele caminului.
RECOMANDARE: Ajustati designul tamplariei la stilul mobilei sau altor accesorii de-a Dvs! Puteti opta pentru esente de lemn nobil la orice sistem cross, flat si duo flat, asadar aveti garantia efectului natural folosind orice solutie.

The oak was called the Tree of the Gods. It symbolizes respect for ancestors and steadfast perseverance. Oak is a very demanding raw material, with an aesthetically pleasing design. It is of a hard nature, but it can still be bent with steam, its density is one of the highest among existing wood species. The elements made of this material are robust, they can serve several generations. It can be hammered and painted, but in its natural state, lacquered, it is the most beautiful. Due to its slow drying, it matters how and for how long it was dried before processing. It has an excellent resistance to light and heat.

It is an excellent material for making windows. It is easy to process and handle, it is durable. It always offers a similar quality and identical properties, it has a guaranteed homogeneous surface, which makes it a popular component of modern houses. It is an exotic tree. Its growth is controlled by professionals under strict conditions. Optionally, it can also be processed in the version without joints.

Making furniture from fruit tree wood is a unique experience. The young woody material has a beautiful reddish color when still fresh, a color that intensifies with time. The hardness of the wood is moderate, the wood grain is very fine and uniform. It dries quickly and beautifully, during which it does not deform. It has good resistance to light and heat. It is a popular material due to the beauty and smoothness of the wood essence.

Its color is whitish, pale yellow, it is an excellent material for high quality doors and windows! It can be processed without joints or jointed in teeth, for windows, entrance doors and balcony doors. The material can absorb the surface finishing substance evenly, ensuring color continuity.